Friday, October 31, 2008

28 good eggs in the freezer

28 out of the 31 were good enough to freeze - mature, normal, and freezeable. This is a fantastic end result. I had to ask the nurse for verification - 28 were actually good? Not just mature, but also good as judged by the embryologist? I really would have been thrilled to hear that 20 made it to freeze because I figured many of those 31 would be immature or abnormal in some way.

When I started this process, I had been thinking I would certainly do 2 rounds of egg freezing just to be safe. Maybe a round now and another one in a year or two. But with 28 known good eggs, I don't think I need to. The average number of eggs retrieved for egg freezing by NYU (according to their site)is 14 - so 28 actually making it to the freezer is better than 2 average rounds.

Anyway, great results. This process was worth it for me (although I'll stamp that final approval once I get past the OHSS risk). Guys have it so lucky, 5 minutes and they've got 250 million sperm. For me, 28 eggs required a month of shots and side effects and health risks and anesthesia. But I'm not complaining!

For all the process, I think there's a really good shot there are some genetic halves of future babies on ice in a container at NYU with my name on it. Even if I don't end up using these eggs, I'm pretty sure I'll donate them to someone who needs them. At one point in my life I thought I could never be an egg donor because I wouldn't want to have biological children that I didn't know out there somewhere. But I don't feel that way anymore. For the effort I undertook in this process, and with all the blogs, forums, and such that I read about people struggling with infertility, I really hope these eggs make babies for someone if not for me.

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