Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 3 - it's a go

I know I could combine these all into consolidated posts, but the goal here is mostly to document the process - and that includes the ups and downs.

So I got the call with instructions from the nurse.

Estrogen came back at 33
P4 was 0.6

And whatever that follicle was, the doctor says go ahead - so I'm going ahead. I'll be on 3 shots a day now.

Lupron 5 units (this is half the dose I was previously on)
Gonal F: 150 mg

Gonal F: 150 mg

Tonight I take 300 of Gonal F just to catch up.

Nurse says that on average, it's an average of 9-14 days of stims, so that means it's 11 - 16 days from now (including today as a day) until I actually am in surgery for egg retrieval. Since I'm starting stims today, surgery day is likely between Wed the 29th and Monday Nov 3.

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