Tuesday, October 21, 2008

CD5 / Day 3 of Stims

I don't have much to report today. Mostly, what's been on my mind is that this blog is very dull and factual, when, usually, if I want to, I can write with at least a little bit of entertainment value. Sorry 'bout that. I'm just trying to get a lot of info down as a record, and am not quite in a creative mood :)

So .... onto day 3
Side effects: Headaches, Exhaustion, hungry all the time!

Tomorrow I get my first post-stim blood test. This is significant. We want to see estrogen rise to show that I'm responding to the stimulation drugs, but not rise a crazy amount. This is really the first test to see if I'm a good responder to ovarian stimulation. So for example, if estrogen levels come back too low tomorrow, it would mean I was over suppressed or wasn't responding well for any number of reasons. Too high? (not exactly sure - maybe over stimulation). Not responding well could cause the cycle to be canceled. So tomorrow is another one of those checkpoints that I need to pass in order to get to actual egg retrieval this cycle.

This isn't such a terrible process physically, but what makes it a pain is all these little pass/fail tests.

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