Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 29 Cont

So I did eventually get up this morning and stab myself with a needle. I found that if I don't first pinch the skin, it's MUCH easier. I think that since this was part of the instructions (to pinch the inch) that as I noticed slight pain, I pinched more - and the more I pinched, the more I kinda felt it and the more it came close to bleeding. But this morning, I just felt so grumpy that I just stabbed straight in, and it was the easiest jab of all 9 injections so far. So that's what I'm going to do. On the downside, I pricked my finger with the needle int he disposal process. Thankfully I didn't have to be worried about pricking myself with some random needle. I knew where the needle had been, and had nothing to worry about.

Anyway, mood = grumpy-ish. Although my work isn't suffering for it. No one at work would think anything's up. Today's shot was easy. I want this thing to be over. I want to start stims. i want to go get an ultrasound. I want them to say "wow - you have 20 good looking follicles! awesome!" and then ultimately end up with 25-30 eggs, with 20-25 worthy of freezing. That's really my best-case scenario goal, but it's very very ambitious. The only reason I cut it off there is because in my training class I asked "how many follicles would be too much - would indicate overstimulation" and Jennifer said over 30 would be bad. So I want to just hit that. Realisitically, I'm still looking at 10-15 maybe on average. But ending up with 25 vs 12 is the difference between doing this whole thing twice or doing it once. or whatever.

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