Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Self Administered hCG Shot!

Iced for 5 minutes with frozen spinach :) and did the injection at 11:55 (my window was midnight with only a 5 minute allowance in either direction, so I started at 11:55 not sure if I could do it right away, but I did). It was so easy - I didn't feel a thing. It was easier than the little shots - I guess because I didn't ice before the little shots until the area was completely numb and I knew it was numb even before stabbing. I had to look down to believe I had all 1.5 inches of the needle in me. Pushed the plunger (that was met with some resistance) and withdrew. It bled a little for a few minutes. I definitely did not need to travel to the nurse - I'm so glad I'm not in a cab right now on my way home in this crappy weather. It probably would have hurt more (would she have let me sit around icing for 5 minutes?). I'm sure I did the shot right - there was no room to mess up - I mixed it right, stabbed where the nurse drew, and injected at the right time! 30 minutes later, I feel butt-muscle soreness, but it's mild. I go for a blood check in the morning (they can tell whether I did the HcG shot right) and for general E2 monitoring before surgery on Thursday at 11 (35 hours post HcG).

1 comment:

Egg Freezing Cost(s) said...

With egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) as a young woman you can achieve reproductive freedom by storing your healthy unfertilized eggs (oocytes) until a time in the future when you are ready to begin your family.

Egg Freezing Cost(s)